Bank of America’s Recon Trust Sued by Washington State

As reported by Bloomberg News (Margaret Cronin Fisk in Detroit & Brad Broberg in Seattle):

Once again, it would appear that Bank of America’s lack of consideration for America’s cetizenry has been demonstrated.  This time Bank of America Corp.’s ReconTrust unit “allegedly” failed to conduct foreclosures as a neutral third party as required by law, Washington state Attorney General Rob McKenna said in a lawsuit.  For details on this issue please go to:

Maybe, at long last some semblance of “justice” will be handed out to one of the group of “too big to fail” institutions, as a result of their “alleged” disregard for entities other than their own corporation.  Although, given the damage they and other Commercial and Investment Banks have caused to America and its citizens, it hardly seems fitting that AG McKenna is only asking $2,000 per violation, of which there are “alleged” to be thousands.

I’ll be very interested in seeing what the actual disposition of this suit and you can be very sure I’ll report on it, assuming I’m still around, when it eventually occurs.

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